We are an award-winning chorus of around 70 women, based in and around the Stockport area of Greater Manchester, England. In May 2022, we won the Silver Medal in the Sweet Adelines, Quartet of Nations, Region 31 competition, representing England, Wales, Scotland and the Netherlands as well as First Place Midsize Chorus - the latest in a string of accolades for our close-knit chorus, qualifying us to compete in the USA in 2023. All the more welcome as we were unable to compete at International due to Covid in 2020 and 2021 following our Gold Medal winning performance in 2019.
We are a diverse range of women: ages range from early teens to mid-70s, coming from all walks of life - college students;nurses; bookkeepers; radiographers; stay at home mums; grandmothers; lawyers; teachers; farmers and even an acclaimed textile artist! All members of the community are represented and welcomed and in return, we try to give something back to the community. With groups such as Music In Mind (where teams of chorus members take music into dementia care homes across Stockport and the surrounding area) and donations to local charities, we are proud to say that our members are increasingly finding ways of doing their bit for the local community.